Titel: The Legal Nature of Tokens under Liechtenstein’s TVTG with special consideration of the Token Container Model { T }.
Autor: Dr. iur. Thomas Nägele, LL.M.
ISBN: 978-3-9525557-2-9
Format: Hardcover / eBook
Pages: 232
Year: 2022
The new legal object introduced through the Liechtenstein Token and TT Service Provider Act (TVTG), namely the token, and the definition of its features (in the sense of a legal classification), lies at the center of this book.
After an extensive in- depth, yet easy-to-understand analysis regarding the technological foundations, the legal definition of the token in the TVTG is considered in detail. This comprehensive examination of the fundamental points allows for the full coverage of the different constituent elements of the legal definition. Thereby, special consideration is given to the Token Container Model and the possibility of the “tokenisation of assets” through the representation of rights. Through the example of the representation of rights to property, this work seeks to make this complex topic easier to understand. In this context, a tokenisation clause is proposed to link the rights represented in tokens and property in the sense of property law. In addition to the connection between rights and the token, the relationship between tokens and legal subjects is also exemplified.